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Reach More People at Easter

Reach More People at Easter

The churches who reach the most people with the Gospel during the Easter season are the ones who plan ahead for activities for their community before and after the event. We are passionate about helping churches grow during this time and we recommend a 3-event strategy to make this Easter your best ever. 3-Event Easter Strategy […]

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What is a Christian Illusionist?

What is a Christian Illusionist?

A Christian Illusionist is a magician who has a personal faith in Jesus Christ and incorporates a message about that faith into their live illusory performances and other communications. Most Christian illusionists want to teach their audience about The Bible and encourage them to explore the claims of Christianity. Some Christian entertainers are very straight […]

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Christian Magician, Illusionist, Mentalist, Speaker
Bryan Drake is a Christian magician who tours throughout the world entertaining audiences and sharing a Christ-centered message. Using illusions and mentalism, Bryan Drake gets inside of your head. Bryan not only entertains any group, but presents a clear message on Truth.

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